I've taken a quiz about C++ lecture today. That was not very bad, not good either. There was only one question which asks us to develop a program that check the number is prime or not. I coded some parts of the scope, but I think I missed the most important part. Anyway, here is that program.
Sum: This program determines a number you entered whether prime or not.
19 Aralık 2013 Perşembe
18 Aralık 2013 Çarşamba
Currently, I'm struggling with an issue that is related with the lack of the idea transfer. Probably, this is because I have kept writing just English so far. I think I should write here not only English but also Turkish. Especially, it will be better for critics and reviews. Yep, I'm thinking about to make reviews for a few applications. :)
17 Aralık 2013 Salı
Hello all! I haven't been here for a while. In this period, tons of things changed, such as my perspective. It's being changing all the time, though. Here are some updates of my life.
1. Microsoft DreamSpark: I've made an application to get verified my account as a student profile. Therefore, I tried it three times as I remember. But every single time, I got an error. Made a contact with Microsoft Support Team. Thankfully, they helped me a lot. After a long time, my account got verified. Now, I can download any Microsoft software legally.
2. Pocket: I have explored an android application, called Pocket or other words Read It Later. The name was changed for a reason. These days, I'm totally in this app. I loved and can't stop using it. I can save whatever I'd like to read on the internet in it. I can use it on the laptop, or smart phone whenever I want. It doesn't matter. And that's the biggest point. In my opinion, it's pretty successful. I'll make a critic for this application later.
3. Engineering Stuff: I'm interested in soldering nowadays. That's because I have a circuit project that I have to make any time sooner. So I'm trying to learn this process. It's really important for us as engineering students. I have already nice future dreams about this. I'm planning that I must organize an event for the next year. Besides this, I almost planned that another event which includes C++ programming. I think I will be ready for this in the second semester.
That is all for now. I'll be around here.
1. Microsoft DreamSpark: I've made an application to get verified my account as a student profile. Therefore, I tried it three times as I remember. But every single time, I got an error. Made a contact with Microsoft Support Team. Thankfully, they helped me a lot. After a long time, my account got verified. Now, I can download any Microsoft software legally.
2. Pocket: I have explored an android application, called Pocket or other words Read It Later. The name was changed for a reason. These days, I'm totally in this app. I loved and can't stop using it. I can save whatever I'd like to read on the internet in it. I can use it on the laptop, or smart phone whenever I want. It doesn't matter. And that's the biggest point. In my opinion, it's pretty successful. I'll make a critic for this application later.
3. Engineering Stuff: I'm interested in soldering nowadays. That's because I have a circuit project that I have to make any time sooner. So I'm trying to learn this process. It's really important for us as engineering students. I have already nice future dreams about this. I'm planning that I must organize an event for the next year. Besides this, I almost planned that another event which includes C++ programming. I think I will be ready for this in the second semester.
That is all for now. I'll be around here.
10 Aralık 2013 Salı
Why Is Programming Important?
"Programming teaches you how to think." said by Steve Jobs. I am definitely agree. Not only it teaches us how to think but also helps to think abstractly. There are three major benefits of thinking learned by programming. First of all, it helps you to think more different than the other people. The perfect ideas come from the way of think differently. This is because we can obtain a great productivity due to this way. If you have an amazing idea and are willing to do what it is, you have to show your productive thought sides. So you should learn how to program something. Secondly, you can know how something works when you see it. It teaches what is going on inside a program or a situation as an example in our daily lives. Namely, you can learn the principle of a system by examining the steps. The final advantage is that you get the showcase of your work. People have to be objective at this point. Because thinking correctly requires an impartiality. It does make a great sense on our approach about a product. For instance, we can see both the positive and the negative sides of a computer program that we coded. And we can develop it to get perfect software thanks to programming. As a conclusion, Steve Jobs was absolutely right. Programming is one of the greatest way to think. And it must be our thirst for success that we stride for.
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16 Kasım 2013 Cumartesi
The Podcast Idea
Hi again. I'm in such a busy week, but I have an idea lately. I would like to do podcast serie on my own. There is no focused subject in my mind. Every single topic is acceptable for now. I will use Soundcloud to publish the records. I liked that platform, and wanted to share a song that I love so much with you. Anyway, see you after November 20. :)
24 Ekim 2013 Perşembe
Simple C# Console Game
Hi! Here it is my other text based console application. This is a game that picks a number between 1 to 10 randomly. And your aim is picking the right one. It's included a bit complex C# structures. But it's not very difficult to code. I haven't been interested in C# language for a while. I hope I will not forget my knowledge :) Anyway, enjoy it! :)
17 Ekim 2013 Perşembe
Some Photoshop Worksheets
I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 to editing photographs and pictures. It's just a hobby. So I have been engaged in this for a while tonight. I've created a logo for this blog, instead of current simple logo(I will not change the current one for now). I'm not sure it's a nice job or not. Because I haven't been interested in Photoshop for a long time. Therefore I was worried about this. I think it's not that bad although it is the first worksheet after a long break. It's definitely necessary for improving my photo editing skills. Thus, keeping go on!
P.S.: The atom logo isn't copy. I made it on my own(not a big deal, simple).
Distance Measurement Program
Hi again! I have programmed a C++ program which converts kms to miles, or miles to kms. It didn't take a long time for me as a beginner C++ developer. It works successfully now.
Plus, I have learned a fact that we can leave a TAB blank with in the line. It's possible when we use
Plus, I have learned a fact that we can leave a TAB blank with in the line. It's possible when we use
\tcommand before what we are writing in that line. It represents TAB button on the keyboard. I've used three of them to align the headline. After this, found a table shows other special characters. Here it is:
Screenshot of the console application |
16 Ekim 2013 Çarşamba
The Second Version of Text Based Calculator
Here the second version of my calculator is!
Within two days, I focused on switch-case command, and fixed something was wrong. I think some slight gaps still exist. Even though they're not very important, the design doesn't look perfect. That's because the program closes itself after undefined operation numbers are entered. I mean there is no way to return at the beginning of the program.
14 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi
About Development of Text Based Calculator
Hi folks! I have learned a fact that is related to do all mathematical(ok, just four basic ones) process according to your request. The first version of my text based calculator was very simple and ordinary a bit. You had to use the commands step by step for doing any mathematical process. You can analyze the codes of that project, and examine the details at the previous post published October 7. Anyway, I have learned "switch case" command to organize the steps to your requirement. But it's being still developed. Hopefully, I'll publish that in a few days. I think I should name the calculator. It's such an easy-work but worth.
7 Ekim 2013 Pazartesi
Text Based Calculator with C++
Hi! I started to learn C++ at my department last week. I've taken only one course about this. So I'm a beginner, namely I can do some mistakes because of the lack of knowledge. But I believe I will improve myself about this branch.
Let's start some examples. This is a simple text based calculator programmed with basic C++ knowledge. Only few functions were used as you see. It's formed with almost the same forms repeatedly. It might hold some logical problems, or unnecessary codes. As already stated, this is my first C++ project. So it definitely should be improved.
Let's start some examples. This is a simple text based calculator programmed with basic C++ knowledge. Only few functions were used as you see. It's formed with almost the same forms repeatedly. It might hold some logical problems, or unnecessary codes. As already stated, this is my first C++ project. So it definitely should be improved.
7 Eylül 2013 Cumartesi
28 Ağustos 2013 Çarşamba
Blog Hakkında
Merhaba yolcu!
Bu blogu açmamın sebebi kendime ait bir sanal günlük oluşturmak istememdir. İlgi alanlarım doğrultusunda gerçekleştirdiğim ve gerçekleştirmek için çabaladığım projeler için bir nevi depolama işlevini gerçekleştirmek için kullanmayı düşünüyorum. Üzerinde uğraştığım projeler ve çalışmalarda karşılaştığım problemler ve çözümlerini de paylaşarak kendime ve benzer sorunlarla sıkıntı çeken insanlara yardımcı olmayı istiyorum. Ayrıca; aynı ilgi alanlarıyla veya benzer fikir çatışmalarıyla buraya çekilen insanlara bir yol gösterici olmayı umuyorum. Paylaşımlarımın çoğu internet ve bilgisayar yazılımı ve donanımı üzerine olacaktır. Elbette çok geniş bir yelpazeden bahsediyorum. Yani bu paylaşımların konuları kodlamadan grafik tasarıma kadar gidebilir. Tabii ki tüm alanlarda yetkin birisi değilim fakat neden olmasın? Paylaştıkça öğrenmek diye bir şey de var. :)
Şimdilik söyleyeceklerim bu kadar. Blogun açılışını da böylelikle yapmış oldum. :)
May the force be with you!
Bu blogu açmamın sebebi kendime ait bir sanal günlük oluşturmak istememdir. İlgi alanlarım doğrultusunda gerçekleştirdiğim ve gerçekleştirmek için çabaladığım projeler için bir nevi depolama işlevini gerçekleştirmek için kullanmayı düşünüyorum. Üzerinde uğraştığım projeler ve çalışmalarda karşılaştığım problemler ve çözümlerini de paylaşarak kendime ve benzer sorunlarla sıkıntı çeken insanlara yardımcı olmayı istiyorum. Ayrıca; aynı ilgi alanlarıyla veya benzer fikir çatışmalarıyla buraya çekilen insanlara bir yol gösterici olmayı umuyorum. Paylaşımlarımın çoğu internet ve bilgisayar yazılımı ve donanımı üzerine olacaktır. Elbette çok geniş bir yelpazeden bahsediyorum. Yani bu paylaşımların konuları kodlamadan grafik tasarıma kadar gidebilir. Tabii ki tüm alanlarda yetkin birisi değilim fakat neden olmasın? Paylaştıkça öğrenmek diye bir şey de var. :)
Şimdilik söyleyeceklerim bu kadar. Blogun açılışını da böylelikle yapmış oldum. :)
May the force be with you!
#Ekleme: Sanıyorum yaptığım çoğu güncellemede ve postta Türkçe yerine İngilizce yazacağım. Elbette doğru tanımı, doğru ifadeleri vermek biraz daha zor olacak. Nedeni ise bilgi teknolojileri hakkında yani küresel çapta çok geniş bir yelpaze üzerinden bahsediyor olduğum. Zaten blogu açtığım süre boyunca yurt dışından gelen tıklanma sayısı yurt içindekinden daha fazla ve dolayısıyla daha çeşitli bir kitle. Kısacası İngilizcenin de uluslararası konuşulduğu ele alınınca en mantıklısı zaten budur.
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