22 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Nikola Tesla and Tesla Coil

Hi there! After a little exam break, I am here again with my presentation that was presented in Technical English I lecture. We were free to pick a subject, and I wanted to talk about Nikola Tesla's life and one of his amazing inventions, the Tesla coil. The PowerPoint slide worked pretty well. Hence, the lecturer liked it, I think. Anyways, here is that.

It's not the only source that I use. Also I made profit by few videos about the Tesla coil. Here is that explanatory video that I showed to people to be figure it out.

References & Resources:

1. McCormick, Mac; Nikola Tesla-The World’s Sorcerer, American Funeral Director, 2009, July
2. Maja Hrabak, MD; Ranka Stern Padovan, MD, PhD; Marko Kralik, MD; David Ozretic, MD; Kristina Potocki, MD, PhD, Nikola Tesla and the Discovery of X-rays, RadioGraphics, 2008, July
3. Carlson, W. Bernard; Inventor of Dreams, Scientific American, 2005, March
4. Pilkington, Mark; The Electric Wizard, Fortean Times, 2007, January
5. http://www.teslauniverse.com
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_coil
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla

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